Saturday, September 5, 2009

Has Civility Ceased to Function in Our Society?

I like to discuss issues with people that have opposing views. I went to the Facebook page One Million Against Sarah Palin to see what they have to say, and I must say that I was quite disappointed. Has civility ceased to function in our society? I have a hard time understanding why there has to be such hate and animosity towards someone with whom you disagree. The Bible tells me to love even my enemies and someone with whom I disagree certainly isn't my enemy. It is one thing to strongly disagree on an issue and to even steadfastly be unmovable from your position, but it is quite another to stoop to the level of name calling and vicious personal attacks on someone just because they have an opinion different from yours. Not everything that conservatives say is always correct, but then again, the same goes for the liberal position. If we truly want to find solutions to some of the complex problems that face our nation, we must learn to work together with civility. As long as anyone who has an opposing position is treated so despicably then we will never be able to find solutions to our problems. To my friends, if you have not been to this group's page, don't go! The vile, disgusting, revolting comments made about Sarah Palin by some of the members are not something anyone should have to read.

1 comment:

Connie said...

I find it hard to believe the level of non-civil behavior that humans bestow upon one another.
Hard to conceive of the barrage of negativity in a "civil" society.